26 - 27 November, 2025
Kia Oval, London
buy-side asset & wealth managers and custodians, MarkLogic’s Investment
Research and Authoring solutions allow improved investment decisions, improved
customer management and greater operational efficiency. Data integration is one
of the most complex IT challenges and the MarkLogic Data Hub Platform
simplifies it. MarkLogic removes friction at every step in the process so that
organisations can achieve a 360º view faster than ever. Complex and slow ETL?
Eliminated. Simple and fast data curation? Implemented. Modern database
capabilities? Utilised. Total data integration success? Achieved. With
MarkLogic, it only takes days or weeks – not months or years – to integrate
data and build secure data services that enable IT to keep pace with the speed
of business. Data Integration. Simplified. Headquartered in Silicon
Valley, MarkLogic has offices throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia.
For more information, please visit www.marklogic.com.